Sunday, May 4, 2008

Salt Lake County Republican Convention 2008

I had the opportunity to attend the Salt Lake County Convention and here are some thoughts and information:
  • Not as many signs outside this year for Salt Lake, Utah County had many more.
  • Once you got inside there were quite a few as usual.
  • Once again Incumbents are what delegates prefer, the only incumbent to lose lost to the person who vacated the position 2 years ago to run for Congress. (LaVar Christiansen vs Sylvia Anderson)
  • The Senate Leadership Race is going to be very interesting, Sen. Waddoups has already announced he will challenge Valentine for President.
  • Vouchers support does not get you kicked out of office.
  • Delegates want experience, pure and simple. What's more they want leadership!
  • Republicans are CONSERVATIVES!
House District 48:
La Var Christensen - 42
Sylvia Andersen (i) - 18

  • La Var held the seat until 2006 when he vacated it to run for Congress.
  • I heard many delegates say they wanted someone with more leadership, not just the right votes.
  • Most legislators supported Anderson's re-election (Reps. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George; Becky Lockhart, R-Provo; Lorie Fowlke, R-Orem; Keith Grover, R-Provo; Chris Herrod, R-Provo; Sens. Wayne Niederhauser, R-Sandy; and Curt Bramble, R-Provo and others)
  • Sen. Margaret Dayton supported Christiansen openly
  • Lt. Governor Gary Herbert and House Majority Leader David Clark were on both candidates literature as a supporter, who wasn't truthful?
Senate District 10:
D. Chris Buttars (i) - 112
Gary Armstrong - 74
House District 24:
Joe Jarvis - 28
Michael Ridgway - 1
  • That's gotta hurt Mike Ridgeway's pride!
  • It shows his district doesn't even want that type of divisive politics.
House District 51:

Greg Hughes (i) 60
Margaret Bird 26
  • The UEA had strength just not enough
  • Don't run as a single issue candidate, it seems that Bird was only about Education
House District 32:
Ron Bigelow (i) - 30

Walt Sorensen - 1
Johnny T. Ruiz - 0

House District 33:
Warren Webb - 17
Joseph Pete Moesser - 6
Andrew Parker - 0

House District 35:

Rob Alexander - 10
Rick Taylor - 6

House District 42:
Jim Bird (i) - 41
Steven Larsen Rinehart - 18
Peggy Wallace - 3

House District 45:
Brian Monsen - 33
Mary Bangerter - 18

House District 46:
Jaren Davis - 46
LeAnne Walker - 8

Senate District 6:
Michael Waddoups (i) - 83
Ronda Rose - 43

County Mayor:
Michael Renckert - 1,079
Joseph Irish - 40

County Council District 6:
Max Burdick - 137
Robert Warnick - 44

*Results courtesy of the Salt Lake Tribune.

AWARD for weirdest sign placement once again goes to Leavitt for Congress.
Signs in the restrooms? Really is that what you want your name associated with?