I had the opportunity to attend the Salt Lake County Convention and here are some thoughts and information:

- Not as many signs outside this year for Salt Lake, Utah County had many more.
- Once you got inside there were quite a few as usual.
- Once again Incumbents are what delegates prefer, the only incumbent to lose lost to the person who vacated the position 2 years ago to run for Congress. (LaVar Christiansen vs Sylvia Anderson)
- The Senate Leadership Race is going to be very interesting, Sen. Waddoups has already announced he will challenge Valentine for President.
- Vouchers support does not get you kicked out of office.
- Delegates want experience, pure and simple. What's more they want leadership!
- Republicans are CONSERVATIVES!
La Var Christensen - 42
Sylvia Andersen (i) - 18
- La Var held the seat until 2006 when he vacated it to run for Congress.
- I heard many delegates say they wanted someone with more leadership, not just the right votes.
- Most legislators supported Anderson's re-election (Reps. Steve Urquhart, R-St. George; Becky Lockhart, R-Provo; Lorie Fowlke, R-Orem; Keith Grover, R-Provo; Chris Herrod, R-Provo; Sens. Wayne Niederhauser, R-Sandy; and Curt Bramble, R-Provo and others)
- Sen. Margaret Dayton supported Christiansen openly
- Lt. Governor Gary Herbert and House Majority Leader David Clark were on both candidates literature as a supporter, who wasn't truthful?
D. Chris Buttars (i) - 112
Gary Armstrong - 74
- The NAACP has no control over Republican loyalties
- When people meet Chris Buttars they believe him i.e. that he's not racist
- Apologizing right away for mistakes can save your butt, it won't always lessen the pain though.
- Delegates can see through candidates motives and attitudes, and yes I am talking about the disgusting and hate filled comments by Gary Armstrong ("Our district
can't survive four more years of Chris Buttars. I will support the Democrat," said Armstrong. "I'm very surprised the delegates drank the Kool-Aid," he added. "I'm disappointed they have that little concern for the district.")
- Republicans may not have liked his comments, but they accepted his apology.
- Republicans also want him to keep fighting for Social Causes
Joe Jarvis - 28
Michael Ridgway - 1
- That's gotta hurt Mike Ridgeway's pride!
- It shows his district doesn't even want that type of divisive politics.
Greg Hughes (i) 60
Margaret Bird 26
- The UEA had strength just not enough
- Don't run as a single issue candidate, it seems that Bird was only about Education
Ron Bigelow (i) - 30
Walt Sorensen - 1
Johnny T. Ruiz - 0

Warren Webb - 17
Joseph Pete Moesser - 6
Andrew Parker - 0
House District 35:
Rob Alexander - 10
Rick Taylor - 6
House District 42:
Jim Bird (i) - 41
Steven Larsen Rinehart - 18
Peggy Wallace - 3
House District 45:
Brian Monsen - 33
Mary Bangerter - 18
House District 46:
Jaren Davis - 46
LeAnne Walker - 8
Senate District 6:
Michael Waddoups (i) - 83
Ronda Rose - 43
County Mayor:
Michael Renckert - 1,079
Joseph Irish - 40
County Council District 6:
Max Burdick - 137
Robert Warnick - 44
*Results courtesy of the Salt Lake Tribune.
AWARD for weirdest sign placement once again goes to Leavitt for Congress.