Many may expect this to be a shot at Matheson for not attending the Democratic Convention . . . well you'd actually be wrong. Matheson is smart and he's making his decision in a smart way. Wouldn't it be nice if more politicians (i.e. Republicans) acted smart!
Before making a decision on any event you are invited to as a candidate you need to do a cost/benefit analysis. What are the drawbacks, what do you gain, what will the public think?
For Matheson this is pretty easy:
- Loyal Democrats like you more (but they will be voting with you most likely anyway)
- You may be able to hold off a more Liberal Democrat from challenging you next cycle (would be foolish for the Democrats to get rid of him)
- You get to hob-nob with Big Money and others who may help your campaign (Yet you can do the same thing in more private situations without as much political risk)
- You get to go to a fun event
- You don't look very Moderate in an area you need to look moderate in to win
- You take a week out of other campaign activities
- You end up in the Clinton/Obama problems
- Republicans will attack you as just another Liberal Democrat
- You do miss family obligations (Which s a sacrifice an Elected Official has to make often)
Some may say Matheson is unbeatable, but as soon as he starts thinking or acting unbeatable he becomes beatable!
And all of this coming from a guy who doesn't support Matheson in any way.
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